
Inspiration & Motivation

Q: Can you inspire and motivate people? Do you express your vision in such a way that your people are able to understand, internalize, and implement it? When you talk to people one-on-one are you able to connect with them?

A: I'm not sure. I have my moments that I am super outgoing and am able to "inspire and motivate" people. But at the same time I can also be very internal and cut off from other people. Because of that, I feel like sometimes I might not connect with a lot of people, and therefore can't express my vision in a way that others can understand or really take to heart. In The Best Leaders are Listeners, the author refers to the Law of Connection, which claims that "leaders touch a heart before they ask for a hand." I like this because I think it's completely true. But it worries me a little bit because since I'm not very vocal or outgoing 100% of the time, I wonder if I ever am able to touch someone's heart and then have the privledge of asking for their help further down the road. I have a handful of people that I really connect with and that we can share ideas openly. However, being as shy as I am, I need to make a concsious effort to be more outgoing and step out of my comfort zone in order to motivate and inspire people through the "Law of Connection."

1 comment:

  1. I agree with you. It's really hard to connect with people you dont know, or aren't that comfortable with. I think just talking to knew people, or like your "Moths" is kinda hard. I like that quote though:) Olevia and I don't really understand it, but it's a good quote! haha:)
    but, KALI! i love you dude! :):)
