
Part 3 of Learning and Communication

Q: Hopefully this week you have paid attention to your focus while you communicate. Is your focus on you, the material, or the person you are speaking with? If it is not on the people what are some concrete things you can do or need to change to get better at this?

A: In the article we focused on this week, The Best Leaders are Listeners, the author said that listening is the best way we learn. A quote from this packet was from Larry King: "I remind myself every morning: nothing I say this day will teach me anything. So, if I'm going to learn, I must do it by listening." Unlike Mr. King, I am not very talkative, so I do not have to put a large amount of effort into listening because it's something I do by default. To be completely honest, I don't know any "concrete things" I can do to get better at listening because it comes naturally to me, but I guess if I had to choose anything I would say maintaining eye contact and asking more questions relevant to the subject will help me improve.

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