
Vision & Goals

1.) Share your life sentence and what your thoughts were for putting down what you did.

2.) Share the team vision/slogan/motto that you and your teammates came up with and the explanation behind it.

1.) When answering the questions Mr. Borgmann gave us in order to come up with a life sentence, I thought about what I want my overall legacy to be. I came to the conclusion after some thought that what I want to do most is set a good example by sticking to my morals. My life sentence is still a work in progress, but what I have is: "I want to stay true to myself and set a good example for others."

2.) Since I am not on a team or in a club this year, I wrote about school and what I hope for my classmates in our futures. I wrote: "My ideal unique image of my future and the futures of my classmates is that each of us finds success and happiness. I hope that every single person persues something that they are passionate about, and in return experiences a sense of reaching their full potential. Beyong high school sports, academics, and social groups, I hope that we all learn about ourselves and those around us, and at the ultimate last moments of life, I hope we all feel happy with all we have done." My "slogan" was: Persue your passions, gain happiness in return. ;)

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