
Initiative and Perseverance

In what ways can you better show initiative in your life? Give at least one concrete example of something you are showing a lack of initiative with, and at least 3 concretes steps your are going to take in order to do that.
There are a lot of ways I can show more initiative, like with bringing my ideas up in class, asking friends to hang out, and pushing myself in all that I do. I guess one specific example of something I am lacking initiative with is pushing myself to be social since I am naturally intraverted. Three steps I can do in order to improve on that is to: 1) Initiate hanging out with friends whenever I am not working or doing something school-related. 2) Make conversation with a stranger everyday. 3) Hang out with people I don't normally hang out with in order to expand my social horizons.
For the given situation pertaining to perseverance, I guess the questions I could ask this player if they are truly driven to play or if they are simply playing for something to do, and I could ask them about personal obstacles that might be occuring in their life. Most likely the advice I would give them would be honest feedback--letting them know that if they work hard they can most likely open a lot of doors for themself (as they are a valued player on the team). Also, I would remind them that quitting reaps no rewards and to stay resilient to all obstacles outside of the court/field/team.

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