
Courage & Sacrifice

"The heart of good leadership is sacrifice."
This quote is special to leadership because it doesn't just say that sacrifice is important or essential to leadership, but it is the heart. Without a heart, we could not live. Therefore, without sacrifice, leadership could not exist.

In what ways do you display courage to those who you influence?
I'm not sure, exactly. I try to do my own thing and stay true to myself. I guess if somebody noticed that and thought of me when making a decision later down the road, I could say that through my courage I influenced them to make the right choice.

What does courage have to do with leadership?
I think courage has everything to do with leadership. Courage is having the ability to act in spite of your fear. The most well known leaders are the ones who have courage, because they seize opportunities while others see them but do nothing about it. You can't be a leader if you aren't able to step outside your comfort zone every once in a while.

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